Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Richard Finch: Sunshine Band Sex Offender

Richard Finch: Sunshine Band Sex Offender

Richard Finch was born January 23rd, 1954 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is most notable for having played bass in KC and the Sunshine band, having written multiple hits with Harry Wayne Casey, including the shake your booty song.

On March 23rd, 2010, Finch was arrested for sexual contact with a 17 year old male. According an article from CBS news, the victim told police that he had had sexual contact with him at Finch’s home in Newark, Ohio. 
During this time period, Finch had a home recording studio where he worked with “young aspiring musicians”. The victims ended up being regulars that were at the studio. He would tell the victims that they “would need to be prepared for such activity if they sought success in the music industry”. In other words, he was grooming his victims and brainwashing them that abuse was the only way to gain success. 

At the time, Finch was 56 years old. Finch’s website at the time stated that the allegations were baseless, though police stated that Finch admitted to having sex with underage boys. The website stated, “We will let due process happen through the legal system," reads the statement. "We are sure Mr. Finch will be vindicated from these unfounded allegations.”. 

His bond was set to 500,000 dollars, and the judge ordered Finch not to have contact with the alleged victims or anyone under 18 years old at the time. Finch’s lawyer asked for the bond to be lowered, but it is unknown if that that ever happened. He was later held in Licking County Jail. 

There were several charges against Finch, one being the aforementioned sex with a minor, while the others consisted of sexual imposition. During trial, Finch was reported was as acting contrite, or guilty, of his actions, while also claiming that drinking prevented him from having remembered the events (despite having admitted to the events to police in the past). 

Finch told the judge that he “took responsibility 100%” and “regretted the way his musical legacy is tarnished by stupidity while under the influence of alcohol”. 

Eventually, Richard Finch was sentenced to 7 years in prison, and having to register as a sex offender for the next 25 years of his life. He later wrote letters to his victims in apology, and stated, “It is my own fault and I will work hard to regain trust and respect from those I let down, including myself.”.
Eventually, Finch was released on March 13th, 2017. But apparently in April of 2019, he was in violation of parole for involvement with a minor male, and is now back in prison, this time serving in Belmont Correctional Institution. Allegedly his release date is January 4th, 2020. 



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