Friday, October 4, 2019

Music Made By Charles Manson

Charles Manson's Music

Unbeknownst to me until a few months earlier this year, Charles Manson recorded music. He even recorded an album as produced by Henry Rollins, but that piece has never seen the light of day. Here are some videos of his songs though. I will make a bigger post later.

Here is a link to the playlist:

Honestly, it was really interesting to hear his music, I was expecting it to be a lot worse. I haven't listened to every song of his, but from what I've listened to, it's not horrible. I have heard a lot worse. What is creepy though, is that these songs sound so happy, warm, and almost beautiful, and came from such a horrible person. Honestly, I wonder if he used music as a tactic to control the women that he gathered in his cult. I wouldn't doubt that he did. 

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