Friday, August 9, 2019

What Ever Happened To Bob Rusay after Cannibal Corpse? [EX BAND MEMBERS]

What Ever Happened To Bob Rusay after Cannibal Corpse?

Rusay on the far right

Bob Rusay was one of the original members of Cannibal Corpse, along with Alex Webster, Jack Owen, Paul Mazurkiewicz, and Chris Barnes. He appeared on their first three albums (Eaten Back To Life, Tomb of The Mutilated, and Butchered at Birth), but was later fired in 1993 for allegedly not having his skills up to par with the rest of the band. Jack Owen recanted,

I wasn't going to break the news to him," guitarist Jack Owen tells Decibel in 2008. "I really thought he'd kill me. Bob was a badass." Bassist Alex Webster, who had to tell Rusay he was fired, added: "He was a good friend of ours. And the fact that he hasn't wanted to communicate with us since that happened isn't something we feel good about." Webster calls Rusay to tell him the band's decision; Rusay hangs up the phone, quits the music industry and Webster never hears from him again.

After Rusay left the band, he never played music again, with some sources stating he became extremely jaded, gave up music and playing guitar entirely, and never talked to anyone in the band again. 


Years later, he slightly made a resurgence when people found out that he became a golf instructor in Arizona. After his Cannibal years, he got married and had kids, of which his wife was the one to persuade him to become an instructor. His teaching certification was from the United States Gold Teachers Federation, and he later went on to be at the Western Skies Golf Club in Gilbert, AZ. While the profile for him seems to be unsearchable on the website anymore, I remember seeing personally over 8 years ago. Thankfully, it was archived online, and here is a screen shot I took.

Click to enlarge

He stated:

In junior high school I had discovered "music" and the power and exhilaration of a live performance. Shortly after reaching high school, I was playing in a band and by graduation time I had signed with a major recording label and were were on our way. In the course of eight years, we had put together three full-length albums and toured the United States, Europe, Mexico, and Canada several times and were were featured in the movie "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective."

Though apparently, if you look at clips of Cannibal from the movie, he wasn’t in it, and by the time CC was filmed, he was already replaced by Rob Barrett. 

Beyond the golfing news, nothing more has seemed to surface. After 26 years out of the music business though, I don’t think he’d want back in by now. It seems kind of sad that he'd want to quit relatively so early. It almost makes him sound like sore loser just not talking to anyone else again. But I don't him as a person, nor do I know how everything went down. Either way, it must be a trip to have a dad that played in one of the most popular metal bands of all time.


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