Friday, January 22, 2021

This blog is now deprecated

 Unfortunately, I won't be posting on this blog anymore. I started out using blogger because I really had no where else to go. I wasn't too fond of tumblr at the time, and had dabbled with blogger in the past. I wasn't too thrilled with the lack of customization options, and rather outdated look, but I made it work. I kind of got used to it, and came to rather like it for its simplicity. One thing I've really enjoyed has been the statistics. I always like knowing how many people were looking at posts when I'd link them to my twitter. But recently, blogger updated to a more modern look, and the interface has been pretty terrible. I've had a horrible time with the site actively (not) updating as I edit posts, and it's been hard to even correct grammar mistakes because blogger won't save the changes I make. I've been pretty annoyed and frustrated, and between Davinci Resolve crashing all the time on me, to not exporting audio like normal, and blogger not really working anymore, I've moved on. Sorry. I know this sounds crazy, but I'm going to post on tumblr now. It's a lot more simple and I do like being able to customize my profile when I feel like I need a new look. 

Catch you later


PS: All you pedophile apologists can go fuck yourselves

Thursday, January 21, 2021

What Happened to William and Margaret Patterson?

 What Happened to William and Margaret Patterson?


William Durrell Patterson and Margaret M. Patterson were a married couple that lived in El Paso, Texas. It is unknown when Margaret was born, though it is assumed that she was born around 1915. According to the Doe Network, William, also known as Pat, was born on July 23rd, 1904. William is described as having been white, 5'11, 200 pounds, with gray hair. He dressed well, wore expensive jewelry, and was known among his friends for wanting the best in life. Margaret was 5'4", 110 pounds, with red hair, she had a petite build. Margaret's maiden name was Keifer, and she was nicknamed Tillie as a child. Allegedly she had grown up in Owensboro, Kentucky.

 Margaret was 42, and William 52 at the time of their disappearance.

Allegedly, the Pattersons moved to El Paso in 1940 from Dallas. They built up their business and during the war, William sold nylon stockings that he smuggled from Mexico on the black market.
The couple lived on the 3000 block of Piedmont Drive (or Avenue, or Street, depending on the source) in El Paso. On the night of March 5th, or even the early morning of the 6th, the two left their home without any indication that they'd be gone for more than a few hours. 

When the house was examined, it was found to be in disarray, with the dishes unwashed, underwear and a pair of Margaret's stockings on a bed, and other indications that the Pattersons did not know they were going to be leaving for a long time. The couple had an orange tabby named Tommy, that they left behind. Tommy was considered to have Margaret's most precious possession, with neighbors saying that they fed him caviar. Their items were left behind at the house, and there wasn't a sign of a struggle.
People that knew the Pattersons told authorities in the 50's that the couple left to go on an extended vacation to Florida, and later weren't going to be coming back. A friend of the couple reported them missing five months later on August 15th, 1957. A neighbor said that she was at their house the night they disappeared, offering Girl Scout Cookies, and that Mrs. Patterson seemed very upset that the neighbor was there, they also noted unusual activity from the Patterson's later that night. The neighbor stated that this was the first time that they had tried to talk to the Pattersons, since they tended to keep to themselves. William was described as always coming across 'mean and unfriendly'. 

The Pattersons left without disconnecting their utilities, telling the post office whether to stop or forward their mail, without stopping their newspaper delivery, storing their fur coats, or even boarding their cat Tommy. 

El Paso authorities convened an inquest to look for the whereabouts of the couple, but it failed to find them. 

Allegedly, before the couple disappeared, they had dinner one night with a friend named Cecil Ward and his wife. After eating, William and Cecil went to the garage to apply a coat of acrylic to the wooden boat William was building. Apparently William mentioned nothing about a trip, and they had even talked about plans for later that week. Cecil stated, "He talked about what we would do on the boat the other nights during the week, and about plans for fishing and doing a lot of other things in the spring and summer.". Cecil's wife stated that "Margaret never mentioned anything at all about plans for a trip.". 

Cecil Ward owned a business as a mechanic. On the morning of March 6th, Ward was surprised that the Patterson's Cadillac was still in the driveway. Doyle Kirkland, rival business owner to William but friend, went into Cecil Ward's shop and asked him to service the car. There was apparently a broken horn ring on the steering wheel. That same week, Cecil Ward wanted his electric sander back which William had used. Ward called William's store, though didn't talk to him directly. When the sander was returned to Ward, it was brought over by Doyle Kirkland.

The Pattersons owned the Patterson Photo Supply near downtown El Paso. They also owned an interest in a high end boat company, property in Guaymas, Mexico, a boat, and a Cadillac. Associates told the police that William wrote instructions and sent them on how he wanted to dispose of his business and private properties. 

On March 15th of that year, their accountant, Herbert Roth, got a telegram with instructions on how to manage the couples' assets. The telegram was called in to a Western Union office in Dallas from a pay phone near the Love Field Airport. The telegram was signed 'W.H. Patterson', despite William's initials being 'W.D.Patterson'. An officer has stated that it is very possible that the employee who took the message at Western Union may have messed up though.

Herbert Roth was also told to cancel the hotel reservations that the couple made in Washington D.C. (they were originally going to attend a National Photographer's Association that spring), rent out the Patterson home for nine months, to sell a mobile home that they owned and use the proceeds to support the store, and have Doyle Kirkland manage the store. There wasn't any evidence that the couple did or did not go to the photography convention.

Doyle Kirkland owned the rival business of Duffy Photo Service, also of El Paso. He was William's friend, and the last person to see them alive at their house before they vanished. Kirkland was helping William work on his boat in the garage. Allegedly, the note also stated (or it was the letter sent on May 29th, 1957 from Laredo, Texas) to distribute his properties and assets to his business auditor, and a 24 year old employee, Arthur Moreno. Moreno was to given their home and furniture; Kirkland got the vacation cabin, tools, boats, and William's Cadillac. It is considered unusual for William to left his businesses with these people, because he still had family living, such as his father and sister. As far as I know, the couple never had kids, and nothing ever mentions if they ever wanted any. 

William is known to have been having an affair at the time before his disappearance. William was seen in Juarez, Mexico with 20 year old Estefana Arroyo Marfin. He got into an argument at a bar or night club, because Estefana wasn't being served, the argument was de-escalated though.

When the couple vanished, Estefana Marfin stated that before William disappeared, he told her that, "when they come for me, I'll have to go in a hurry", but she later recanted this statement. 

There were several sightings of the couple in Mexico, but the sheriffs were unable to confirm these. For example, in 1959, Sheriff Bob Bailey traveled to Valle del Bravo to check on a report of a sighting of the couple, but came back empty handed. Allegedly a sheriff also went to Mexico City to look for them, where at a hotel workers identified the couple having stayed for 7 months in 1957. There was no evidence of the Pattersons having signed into any sort of guestbook though. 

Business associates of the Pattersons told authorities that the couple left for an extended vacation to Florida, and then later sent word that they wouldn't be returning.

Months after they disappeared, the Patterson's cat Tommy was found at the home malnourished and filthy, after having wandering away for four months.

In June of 1957, a friend of William's said that he had lied to friends stating that he'd been in touch with William, stating that William asked him at one point that if he were to ever disappear, to make it sound like he was alright and would return soon. Doyle Kirkland claimed that he'd been awakened in the middle of the night of March 5th or 6th by a call from someone claiming to be William. The person stated that he and Margaret were going away for a while, and Kirkland stated that he had been so sleepy, he couldn't confirm if it was really William's voice or not. The Patterson's lawyer testified to the letter that he got.

The Pattersons were very secret about their previous life. Many people did not even know Margaret's birthday, and many couldn't ever get much out of the couple's background, no-one knew how they met or even when they were married. Allegedly Margaret had six siblings that all lived in the midwest who were later located after her disappearance. Margaret had left home at an early age and worked as a hostess at one point in the Hotel Vendome in Evansville, Indiana. Her family disapproved of William, and made her make a choice to choose either them or him, and she chose William. In 1957 they hadn't heard from Margaret in over 20 years, and assumed that she was dead. 

As as I know from articles, at the time of disappearance, William's only family was his father and a sister that never seemed to have been interviewed. William's father, Luther Patterson, stated that William "made his living doing sleight of hand tricks" and had "taken off before". But after several years passed without hearing from his son, he changed his mind and stated that he thought William was dead. 

In 1984, the case was reopened when a man named Reynaldo Nangaray came to authorities telling them what he saw. An illegal immigrant at the time, he was hired to clean the house after the couple vanished. He stated that he saw blood under and around the water heater in the garage, and a piece of human scalp on the propeller of the Patterson's boat. He found a pair of jeans with a Rolex watch that belonged to William, and he said that he saw one of Patterson's associates remove bloody sheets from the home, and put them inside the trunk of a car. The reason he did not come to police sooner was because he undocumented, though when he did come to law enforcement, he was a US citizen. Two years after coming forth to law enforcement, he died in a car accident.

In 1989, the sheriff's office took a statement from a woman in Colorado that knew the Pattersons several years before they were reported missing, but it did not advance the investigation.
William and Margaret were legally declared dead in 1964. After their disappearance, the house that they lived at was rumored to be haunted.

The case is still considered open to this day, and there do not seem to be any memorials for them anywhere. Allegedly, Doyle Kirkland left El Paso in the 1960's, and police never heard of him since.
Investigating Agency: El Paso Sheriff's Department [915-538-2291]
There are quite a few theories as to what happened to the couple when they disappeared.
1. William Killed Margaret and ran
2. Margaret killed William and Ran
3. The couple were murdered by any of the people that inherited their stuff
4. The couple were government spies from a foreign country that fled to Mexico (or anywhere else)
5. The couple were kidnapped
6. They just left it all to start a new life
7. They were abducted by aliens
I'll start with the smallest points first. 

Alien Abduction: There's nothing out there that reallys seems to suggest this, I've only read articles that mention this passingly, but considering the mid century association with sci-fi weirdness, I can see where this proposal came from. To me, this is about as strong a contention as Jim Sullivan being abducted by aliens. There's really nothing to prove it, or disprove it. Maybe William was an alien.
Left to start a new life: This is a contention that seems to have more strength to it, though there seems to be one problem. If they started a new life, wouldn't there have been proof of the couple having used their social security numbers for years after leaving El Paso? Granted, this doesn't mean that they didn't decide to start a new life in a whole other country, which is still possible. I haven't read anything saying whether their social security numbers were ever proven to be used or unused after disappearing. This could still be a possibility, even if it were one person leaving the other behind after a murder, since back then people could rather easily leave their money in various offshore accounts. 

They were kidnapped: This seems plausible, though at the same time too feels a bit far fetched. If we were to completely ignore the information from 1984 about the blood, it just seems weird that they'd be kidnapped without any sort of ransom or note sent to the media about getting something for taking the couple. 

They were murdered: There are people that think that both William and Margaret were murdered, more than likely by any of the people that inherited the stuff from them. Now, in conjunction with a kidnapping, this seems plausible. It is odd that non family members would inherit items from the Pattersons, but at the same time too, Margaret's family cut off all ties with her and thought that she was dead. The couple didn't have any offspring, and it didn't even seem like William was close to his own family. But even still, I personally doubt the possibility that they were both murdered for their stuff, when you think about all of the letters and telegrams that William supposedly sent to his lawyer. It seems like a very elaborate ruse that would require someone traveling all the way to Dallas from El Paso, and then at some point going all the way to Laredo just to send a letter. That's hours of traveling just to throw someone off. 

One Spouse Killed Another: Personally, I think that this is a very big possibility. When I first read about this case, I thought that it sounded a lot like Margaret was in an abusive relationship. Her being cut off from her family for decades, her alcohol abuse, William seeming like a cold man, then having an affair on her, I was pretty convinced. I can see it going either way. Maybe Margaret had had enough of her cheating husband and did him in, or perhaps William killed Margaret and gave away all his things so other people would get their finger prints on his old stuff. Perhaps he wanted to run away to Mexico and start a life with Estefana. Thinking about how there was a scalp on the boat, and blood on some sheets that were then hidden in someone's car, someone must have gotten murdered somewhere. If the story is true of course. There is the belief that if they were killed in any way possible, they could have also been buried around the mountains behind their house.

I looked for unidentified peoples located in the El Paso area, and there weren't any cases even remotely close to the Patterson's. In fact, the earliest unidentified body was from the early 90's I believe. Some people believed that the couple never left at all, and their bodies were buried on or around the plot of the house, but there hasn't ever been any evidence of this either.

There is the idea that a John Doe from Colton, California may have been William. This doe was found on June 18th, 1964, and is estimated to have died about 2 weeks before being found. He was a white male anywhere from 5'6-5'8, 140-160 pounds, with grey balding hair. He was edentulous except for one lower molar. The doe was found in a grey plaid shirt, two pairs of grey or green pants, brown lace boots, blue socks, a gray cap, and a tan jacket. A Hamilton Watch Company watch case was found, and a leather key case that had the initials WDP. There are no exclusions to his case. 

[ ]

They were spies: This may sound like the most crack pot theory, but I actually believe this one the most. Initially, I thought that maybe one of the spouses killed the other, but the more I looked for public information on the couple, the more confused I became. If you remember, the couple were very private about their past, usually keeping to themselves. Not much is known about their early lives despite William coming from Illinois, Margaret from Kentucky, and that they had hard childhoods.
When I tried to search for any sort of census records for either person, I found absolutely nothing. now, we don't know Margaret's birthday, but she is believed to have been born around 1915. William's alleged birth is listed above, but I doubt the veracity of that also. I looked for any sort of information about William being any census record from what would have been the 1910 to the 1940...and nothing. I searched the same for Margaret, and there was never a single result. I even searched up Margaret by her maiden name, in her alleged home state of Kentucky, and still never found any record of her. There is no record of their marriage, no record of birth, nothing. I am extremely suspicious of Margaret even having siblings, since there is no other source for this information other than the Charley Project, and there isn't a link to anything else saything that. 

Even further, William's father is listed as 'Luther Patterson', who was 75 at the time of William's disappearance. Simple math tells us that this man would have been born around 1882, give or take a year for a late birthday. Articles state that William came from Chicago, and yet when I looked up any census record for Luther in Illnois, there was no such person. There was not even a record showing the birth of William, if he had even been born in Illinois to begin with. I looked for any sort of memorial for Luther Patterson on find a grave, and there is not anything that fits the area  or time period that he would have came from either. Let's not forget that William supposedly had a sister, and yet we have never heard of a word from her. On top of that, William's own family did not report him missing, a neighbor did. 

While it seems far fetched, even Sheriff Leo Samaneigo believes in this theory. He is quoted as saying, "The way they got up and just walked away and left everything behind. The Russians, or whoever sent them, probably told them to drop everything and go back. Some people said that they had seen Patterson take photographs of Fort Bliss and military shipments on trains that came here.".  
Though I admit, FBI Special Agent Art Werge stated that he couldn't find any info in the agency's files that go back that far indicating whether the Pattersons ever came under surveillance for suspected espionage. I don't think that the spy theory is too far off though, when you consider the time period that this was in. Just four years prior, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed by the United States after being convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage with the USSR. WWII was not that long ago, and it was the cold war era. In fact, this was just at the end of what is considered the second Red Scare, which itself was from 1947-1957. 

What really drives this idea for me is that, despite William having worked as a Carnie in Chicago, he somehow had the money to own a business and have luxurious items in his home. Allegedly Tommy the cat ate cavier, they owned fur coats, and even had a Cadillac. What I want to know is, where did the Patterson's get their money?
After the Pattersons disappeared, the city of El Paso had many rumors of the old house being haunted. There were rumors that both or at least the ghost of Margaret haunted their home. Sheriff Samaniego stated, "When I was a city patrolman, the house on Piedmont was in my district. I would get a hundred calls, all these kids would stop by the house because they thought the house was haunted, and they would scare this poor old lady who lived there.". 

There are stories from people online claiming to have lived in the house, back when it was rented out. Not all knew the history behind the house, but all stories come back to the same line, that it was creepy. Interestingly enough, when rented out, the items left behind by the Pattersons were still in the house when various families lived in it, clothes and all. 

On the website, there is audio of an investigation that Henry Flores performed years ago. There is audio that seems to capture a woman's cry. 


Unfortunately, I think that this case is much too old, and way too vague to ever solve. I find it curious that the house was left to be leased with literally all of their things left in it. I wonder if or why police didn't seem to go through their items for clues. Where did they even get their pictures of the couple? There are so many points here that do not make any sense, sometimes it feels like they could have been spies, other times they could have been murdered by Doyle Kirkland. I don't think that this is a case where we'll ever know the truth.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Where Is Milton Ishii?

 Where is Milton Ishii?


A few days ago I was on reddit, browsing through the non murder mystery sub. I came across a picture that was saddening, and honestly frightening. Redditor alc2000 saw a poster for a missing man named Milton Ishii, which they said they saw several times while on vacation. I typed in Milton's name, and he was still listed as missing as of January, 2021. 

On November 26th, 2019, Milton Ishii did not return home from a regular walk around his neighborhood in Makakilo, Hawaii. He was seen leaving around 830 am. 

 Milton had diabetes and dementia, needing his medicine daily. He had a hard time making decisions because of his dementia. When he went missing, he hadn't eaten or taken his medicine.

Milton's son, Shane, stated that his father liked to take walks and often went about the neighborhood on strolls, usually staying nearby. He was strong but moved slowly, and may have potentially went to the Campbell Industrial Park area where he used to a warehouse manager for Panasonic. If Milton didn't return after 15 minutes, his family would go look for him, and bring him back. The day that he went missing, Milton's wife could not find him. Police told Shane Ishii that it was possible a bus may have taken his father to another neighborhood, but, bus drivers were notified when Milton went missing. Interestingly, he wasn't carrying his wallet when he left.

Milton's family searched for him by driving through neighborhoods and walking along pathways.They searched the Barbers Point and Kapolei areas. A missing person bulletin was issued on November 27th, 2019. 

The Ishii family cancelled Thanksgiving that year, with Shane stating that they were starting to get worried, but were trying to remain positive. He stated, ""I think that's the only thing we can do is be hopeful, that he's okay and that will keep us going. It's been exhausting. We're worried 24 hours a day. ". Shane hoped that his father was finding food at least once a day. 

On December 29th, 2019, Shane was joined by 30 other people near the Aloun Farms in Kapolei to search the area.“For us, we commit so many hours a day to go look for him. We just basically cover the same area over and over again just in case we didn’t see one thing one time maybe we see something else another time,” Shane stated.

On March 23rd, 2020, Shane posted in the Milton Ishii facebook group that someone had found Milton's shirt and hat in late December 2019/January 2020 near Makakilo drive, which was less than a mile from the Ishii house. The people that found the items didn't realize that it was Milton's until March 2020. 

Despite the extensive searches, he was not found.

Before going missing, Milton had talked about growing in Waipahu and his childhood for weeks leading up to the disappearance. 

“Just before he went missing he was talking about growing up in Waipahu in the months leading up to it. So maybe it just got that his dementia got that bad that he just reverted back to his childhood days to where he was growing up,” Shane said. “The last known sighting we had was K1 in Barber’s Point. Because he grew up in Waipahu, we wanted to eliminate the area between Kapolei and Waipahu so as we can get access to farmlands and private property. Then we can make searches to see if maybe there was something he left behind here or if he’s still on the property. For us, it’s been hard because this has been the first time that he isn’t here, but we’re keeping our hopes up and we’re hoping for the best. But at the same time, maybe we’re preparing for the worst just in case, but we still have our hopes that we’ll find him alive and well somewhere.".

Three months after Milton went missing, his family stated that a silver alert system could have helped them find him. Shane stated, " Once the word got out on social media, then a couple days after we were having people say, ‘Hey, I saw this guy yesterday…’ If [they] would have been made aware, then the day they would have seen him, it’s like hey, 911 right away.". Despite being in 28 states in the US, there isn't a silver alert in Hawaii. In 9 states, there are alerts similar to the Silver alert, and then in 9 more states (46 total), there is a general missing person alert system. Through all of these alerts, none of the states include Hawaii. 

"We’re keeping an eye out. We’re doing what we can. We go out every night and we look. If it means that other people don’t have to go through this, that’s a big thing, because I know what we went through, and I don’t wish anyone else to go through it." Shane stated. 

Despite Hawaii not having a silver alert at the time, there were people that were actually oppossed to the bill, stating that people may become desensitized to the urgency of the alert system. Even though the bill (SB3123) had a public hearing, had multiple testimony from people for the alert, was recommended with amendments, and adopted, it seems that the silver alert has not been put into practice. 



When I did a search on NamUs, I was surprised to find that there haven't been any rule out comparisons in Milton's case. On his namus profile, he is listed as missing at the age of 76. As of January 2021, he would be 77. His was 5'4" and 145 pounds at the time he was missing, last known wearing a blue t-shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, a black jacket, and a grey baseball hat. Milton had brown eyes, and white hair. 

There five unidentified males in Hawaii that fit the time period of when Milton went missing. The first is a doe who was found very recently, on December 23rd, 2020. I will start off by saying that I do not believe that this male was Milton, but I want to put it out there in case someone reads this and may have an idea who this may have been in life. Case number UP76689, he is estimated to have been younger than 70 years old, and was 5'9" and 216 pounds. His race is listed as having been potentially white, hispanic, American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, in general, uncertain.  They were found in Aiea, Hawaii, in a drainage ditch adjacent to Pearlridge Mall. His remains were described as having been not recognizable, with traumatic injuries. The doe had black thick and wavy hair, with a grey beard and brown eyes. He was wearing khaki shorts, black socks, slippers, and 2 short sleeve shirts.

The second John Doe was found on October 16th, 2020. He is namus case 75927. This doe is listed as Asian, estimated to be anywhere from 60-100 years old, but less than 90 years of age. John Doe was anywhere from 5'4" - 5'7", but the weight is unknown/could not be estimated. He was found in Honolulu, discovered under an overgrowth of brush. The condition of his remains were unrecognizable, detailed as a near complete skeleton. The items found on him were fragments of blue denim with one pocket containing a single key, a wallet containing ID and a bus pass, and a watch collected from the scene. 

The next case is doe 75198. He was found on September 20th, 2020 in Haleiwa. His first name is listed as potentially being Dean. He was white and listed as potentially being 45-55 years old, or less than 40. His weight was unknown but his height was anywhere from 5'8" to 5'11". Dean doe was discovered lying on a bed in tent. The tent was filled with misc personal items including mail with the partial name 'Dean H' and a partial address of 'PO Box 38' in Waialua, Hawaii. The body was a  near complete skeleton upon discovery.

The fourth case is John Doe 75158. He was found on September 1st, 2020. He is listed as having been Asian, Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. He is estimated to have been 61 years old, and was 5'9". For some reason, he is listed as having been 40 pounds, I am unsure if that is a mistake or on purpose. John Doe was found in Honolulu within a residence. He was a near complete skeleton when found, with brown hair. His eyes are listed as missing. 

The fifth and final case is John Doe 60828. He was found on August 3rd, 2019, in Honolulu. He was discovered by fishermen floating supine in ocean waters off of Lagoon Drive in an advanced state of decomposition, having been pronounced dead on scene. His race is listed as other, with no age range listed at all. He was anywhere from 5'5" to 5'10", and measured in as 146 pounds. The only clothing listed on his body were black shorts. 

So far, none of these does have had any exclusions at all. Personally, I think that John Doe 60828, and John Doe 75927 are the closest fits. I have emailed namus to hopefully see if there is anyway to compare these John Does to Milton Ishii. I do hope that his family gets answers soon.


UPDATE EDIT: I emailed Namus about these does and received a quick reply from a representative. They stated that they submitted the profiles to the investigative agencies and of course will determine if they are exclusions or not. We, the public, may not be notified of any results. I hope that maybe this will help Milton's family in some way.


Monday, January 4, 2021

What Happened To Juan Santiago?

 What Happened To Juan Santiago?



Juan Santiago (also known as Juanchito with his family) was born around 1984 (various sources state that he was anywhere from 35-37). He was from Massachusetts, and in 2020 he and his girlfriend Kristina Mock moved from Chealsea, MA to San Antonio, Texas. He is described as having been 5'10", 145 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes (though some flyers describe him as having been 5'6"). Juan had a friend named Isaac that had a job for him there, where it has been stated that Kristina went with Juan for this reason. Juan was to reach out to Isaac when he got to San Antonio. Mock may or may not have had family in San Antonio, that was supposed to help them set up once getting to Texas.
Juan was described as a kid friendly guy, that loved his family. His children knew that they were loved, and he was on good terms with his childrens' mother, Sara Kulmacz. Juan was also described as the type of person that would drink a bit too much.

It seems that Juan and Kristina Mock were living in a hotel room in a Motel 6 on the 5500 block of Rittiman road.

Juan and Kristina

On June 19th (sometimes also listed as June 20th), 2020, Juan vanished from the Motel 6 after having made a 911 call. In the call, he is heard arguing with someone, and asks the operator to stay on the phone while he ran. He stated that he was running for his life from an unknown person that was after him. He had only been in San Antonio for one day before this happened.

On namus, it is stated the date of last contact is June 22nd, 2020.

When Sara found out that Juan had gone missing, she traveled to San Antonio from Florida to look for him, of which Juan's girlfriend, Kristina went to help her. According to articles, Kristina stated that Juan was suffering from alcohol withdrawal and had been experiencing hallucinations, proceeding to then run out of the hotel room.

When Juan disappeared, his family stated that it was uncharacteristic of him to not contact his family.
Later on when Sara had heard the phone call that Juan made to 911, she suspected that there was to the story than what Mock had told her.  Sara is quoted saying, "I felt betrayed. I wish she just told me the truth from the beginning. Because I would have had more to go on when I went out there, I would have been looking harder in wooded areas, for body and not just a homeless man.”

Allegedly, Mock had told a close family member that Juan had been suffering from alcohol withdrawal on the train (that they presumably took to San Antonio), before even getting to Texas.

According to Mock, when Juan ran out of the hotel, he grabbed her wallet and phone. This prompted a call from Mock, to Juan's family asking for 500 dollars. Juan's family refused, and Mock reached out multiple times afterward, asking for different amounts of money. She then called Juan's mother (who was deaf/mute), asking for money, stating that Juan had been arrested, and she needed it for bail. An aunt of Juan's walked in on the conversation and she asked Mock what jail Juan was being held in, then "freaked out" stating "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just a misunderstanding.", then hung up.

Juan's family stated that they (Sara) received 'ransom' text messages stating that the receiver was cartel, and they were holding Juan hostage, and he was really sick and dying. If Juan's family didn't send 7000 dollars Juan would be killed. When his family went to the police about the text messages, they asked "Are you sure that he isn't sending you those text messages?". Sara had went to San Antonio and posted missing person posters around town, with her phone number, and received the fake texts all from the same number. SAPD then asked Sara if she wasn't sure that it wasn't Juan doing all of this. She notes that SAPD never took it seriously, and were making jokes the entire time about Juan's case.

SAPD joked that Juan was running from his girlfriend, when listening to the audio of the 911 call.
Juan's aunt, Aidely Santiago, stated in an interview with Jason Herbet that she had asked Mock if they had gone to the police to file a report. Mock stated that she tried to file a report with the San Antonio Police Department (SAPD), and that they told her that because she wasn't family, she couldn't file. Aidely then called SAPD to try and file, and they initially told her that an official (a security guard) saw Juan, and because Juan was 35 years old, he wouldn't be considered a missing person. Apparently the security guard also called 911.

In the interview with Jason Hebert, Sara stated that she was told that unless the person is a child, elderly, or disabled, a missing person's report on that person cannot be filed.

Juan's family then wanted a copy of the 911 call, and then had to go through the bureaucratic process. They were told that they had to request the 911 call in writing, in which they did so, and received it two weeks later.

After Juan's disappearance, Mock returned to Massachusetts, went to the hospital, then died. She checked herself into the Melrose-Wakefield Hospital, having had suicidal thoughts, and wanted to get help. It is unknown how or why Kristina Mock passed away. She had been in her hospital room for 15 hours, and was under suicide watch.

Sara Kulmacz, the mother of Juan's children, stated, "“She was the missing piece to the puzzle. She knew exactly what happened that day, when Juan went missing. Unfortunately, we’ll never get that piece anymore. We’ve had to accept that at this point.".

After Juan disappeared, Kristina Mock listed on her facebook that she was in a relationship. There are reports that supposedly she had already been talking to another man after Juan's disappearance.
Foul play is suspected as a part of Juan's disappearance, even before his body was found.




Juan was missing for four months before his body was found in October of 2020. In one article, it states that Juan's body was found on October 17th, in John James Park. Apparently a man that had been walking his dog near the park entrance reported what they thought were human remains. An article from Kens5 states that the remains were badly decomposed. Days after the discovery, the bones were determined to be human. Maryln Rosa, Juan's aunt, reached out to the coroner that examined the remains, who stated that they fit the demographics for having been Juan. Interestingly, the bones were believed to have belonged to an older male. This may have been due to the advanced decomposition of the remains.

A man by the name of Frank Trevino, who lives in San Antonio and volunteers to help search for missing people, got into contact with Juan's family through social media. Trevino went to the park that the remains were found, and tried to find any sort of clue or material remains that may have belonged to Juan. One of the items that he had looked for was a diamond earring that he was known to wear, but Trevino left the park empty handed.

Frank Trevino

Different sources state that Santiago's remains were found Fort Sam Houston, which is right next to the park that the remains were initially found. This may be a misconception since Fort Sam Houston has its own park which the Salado Creek runs through (as the Salado also runs through the John James Park). John James park is technically owned by the city of San Antonio.

In an article from Kens5, on January 1st, 2021, the remains were confirmed to have been Juan's. It is important to note, that Juan's body was found relatively close to the motel.

Despite the family asking for phone records and information, there was no help from SAPD in coming forth with an information with either Juan or Kristina's phones.

Allegedly, the Air Force office of Special Investigations is working with several law enforcement agencies and San Antonio Police Department on the case. According to Juan's family, the FBI is also involved.



The integrity of Kristina Mock's character is the most that comes into question. According to Juan's aunt Aidely, Mock was not very well known with Juan's family, and did not really participate in family events.

There apparently hadn't been much known conflict in the relationship between Juan and Mock, though at some point there was controversy about Mock claiming to have been pregnant which was a false positive (Mock instead had a tumor that may or may not've been removed). Mock was from a different city than Juan in MA, and Sara stated that no-one knew her. There is a story from Sara that Kristina Mock had stolen pills from a person in the past.

An interview with Kristina Mock's sister stated that she was just as shocked about her sister's death as Juan's.


On facebook, there is a group called 'Help Find Juan Santiago of Chelsea Ma'. There is a post from Frank Trevino talking about the area that Juan's body was found. He states that the area that Juan was found was on federal land, unaccessable to the public. The area that Juan's remains were found was in a heavily wooded area near the outer perimeter of the base, the only people having access to the area having been the groundspeople that work for Fort Sam's National Cemetery. While the cemetery is open to the public during business hours, there aren't any roads to access the remote location on the outskirts of the cemetery grounds. The nearest building to the area being a group of maintenance sheds 1000 ft west for maintenance vehicles. Holbrook road is parallel to the creek, a public road that has access to Salado creek. In Trevino's post he states with confidence that Juan did not enter the park through Fort Sam Houston, but rather through Holbrook road. It is important to note that this area is less than 5000 feet from the Motel 6 that Juan was staying at.

In an interview, Sara stated that she was disappointed in San Antonio, Texas, SAPD, and Texas in general. She is right to feel that way especially towards SAPD, since they were not helpful and would even give incorrect information at times. Earlier in this post, I wrote how she was told that a person of Juan's age wouldn't be able to have been reported missing. I am unsure why the family was told this information, when there are literally people of all ages and backgrounds reported missing in the state of Texas. According to the 'Texas Missing Person Act', as available on the Texas Department of Public Safety website, a missing person is defined as:

"a person 18 years of age or older whose disappearance is possibly not voluntary. A "Missing Person" also includes a person of any age who is missing and is:
a) under proven physical or mental disability or is senile; or
b) missing under circumstances indicating that the missing person's safety is in doubt; or
c) unemancipated as defined by the laws of this state; or
d) missing after a catastrophe.".

The difficult part is getting the local law enforcement that a person went missing from to file the missing persons report. For some reason, the SAPD did not take Juan's disappearance seriously, and even stated that an official/security guard had seen Juan. Allegedly an official may or may not have given Juan a ride, though this does not explain him still going missing for four months after the June date.  Even still, through recordings of the 911 phone call, it appears more like Juan had been fighting with his girlfriend Kristina Mock, and he had been set up, and the people out to get him were trying to force him into a car.

All Texas law enforcement agencies are to immediately enter the name of the missing person into the Texas Missing Persons Clearinghouse upon receiving a report of a missing adult/child, and the entries are to be automatically entered into the NCIC's (National Crime Information Center) Missing Person File.

From what it sounds like me, it seems that Juan's family has grounds to sue the SAPD for negligence against Texas law standards.

Even further, to disprove the erroneous information that Juan's family was told about filing the missing person's report, there are technically different alerts for various age groups. While anybody can be registered as a missing person, elderly people for example, would be categorized as a Silver Alert, and as with the rest of the country, children are listed as Amber Alerts. There is absolutely no reason a 35 year old male could not be filed as a missing person. Even further, a person can easily look onto websites such as the doenetwork and namus, and find files of people missing in the state of Texas from wildly different ages.

Through my own personal opinion, Juan's family could have filed the paperwork for him to have been considered endangered missing or to file a clear alert, before his remains were found. Of course, they are at the mercy of the SAPD, who seemed to have refused to have done their jobs. It really feels like Juan's family was taken advantage of, because they were from out of state.


While this does not directly affect Juan's case, I personally feel like this is yet one more example of the United States police system needing a revamp in requirements. While each state is different, it seems like the bar is set too low. In order for a person to join the police force in any area in Texas, they are supposed to have their TCOLE certification (for people not from TX, the TCOLE is the class that basically teaches you the police stuff.) that can usually be done at any community college. The problem with this though, is that TCOLE classes are less than a year, usually anywhere between a semester's worth of time to maybe 9 months. It takes longer for a person to get an associate degree, or even a bachelor's degree than it does to become a police officer. This is my own personal opinion, which I don't like to normally interject in cases like these, but I really do feel like police officers need more training before being hired for the job. There is a gross lack of misunderstanding and humility with officers and it shows in Juan's case, as they refused to help his family.

In the city of San Antonio, a person only needs to be over the age of 21, with a high school diploma or GED, and a clean offense record to be considered a potential applicant. SAPD flaunts having one of the highest starting pays for cadets in the state of Texas, with a base pay of 45,000 a year. Interestingly, in an article with Kens5, Scott Hermes a 27 year career officer, stated that turnover is a regular thing for SAPD. In 2018, it was reported that an income of 58,504 dollars was needed to live comfortably in the city. The starting pay for a cadet is less than that. In a 2017 article with Texas Public Radio, it was reported that San Antonio has one of the lowest officers per capita of any police department in the country. In October of 2016, there were 40 cadets in the Delta Class, of which 23 graduated. Normally the attrition rate was 13%, then it rose to over 40. In comparison to other major cities in Texas, where Dallas 27 and Houston have 23 officers per 10,000 people, San Antonio has 15.

Juan's case is not the only one of negligence in the SAPD. In 2016, there was the story of a San Antonio cop that fed a homeless man a feces sandwich. While the cop lost his job, he was later reinstated, due to a local city code that prevents and officer from discipline for conduct that occurred more than 180 days before they are disciplined. This same officer also defecated in a female restroom in the downtown bike patrol office and refused to flush the toilet. He and another officer took some sort of brown substance and smeared it on the toilet seat giving the appearance of feces.

To me, this proves that the officers of San Antonio are severely lacking in education, judgement, and hiring protocol. It is extremely unfortunate that Juan was put into a situation where the people that are supposed to have helped him, were useless from the start.


It is implied though not directly stated, that Kristina must have been addicted to some sort of drugs, and it makes me wonder if perhaps she tried to get Juan onto something. I wonder if she set him up and the whole situation may have been a drug deal gone wrong. There is not much that seems to have been said about this contention. Even further, according to many articles she is quoted as having said that Juan was going through alcohol withdrawals. Interestingly, in the DSM IV it states that symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, from heavy and prolonged abuse, include:

-autonomic hyperactivity (sweating or pulse rate greater than 100)
-increased hand tremors
-nausea or vomiting
-transient visual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations or illusions
-psychomotor agitation
-and grand mal seizures.

It should be noted though, that when a person alcohol withdrawal delirium they are likely to have some other sort of clinical relevant general medical condition such as liver failure, pneumonia, gastrointestinal bleeding, or hypoglycemia.

Despite the reports from Kristina Mock that Juan had been suffering from hallucinations, it does not seem that he may have really been undergoing alcohol withdrawal, and even further, not a single family member has ever stated that he had any serious medical problems like those listed above. Even further, a person who would suffer from alcohol withdrawal would have to have had alcohol abuse, which typically affects a person's family; and as Juan's family stated multiple times he loved his family so much, and always kept in contact with them.

I'm sure that many people have questions as to how his body ended up where it did, and how it went unnoticed for so long. If he went missing in June, and skeletal remains weren't found until October, wouldn't anyone have smelled a decaying body in the Texas humidity?

What is important to remember, is that the skeletal remains wear near the Salado river. What I think may have happened, and this complete conjecture, is that Juan was killed for some sort of potential drug deal gone wrong, and his body was dumped somewhere on that side of San Antonio. What people might not know though, is that the Salado creek tends to flood when it rains enough in San Antonio. Even further, I have seen for myself, that when the creek floods it tends to get a load of trash flowing through it. There may have been a possibility that Juan's body was in the Salado for those four months, maybe nipped at by animals, and then eventually, the remains landed at John James Park. I do think that the people that killed him stripped him of his clothes that he was wearing when he started running in the 911 call. Considering how no piece of his clothing or his diamond earring was found, I can only assume that he had to have been stripped naked.

People may also have the question as to why Sara initially thought she may have been looking for a homeless man at first, instead of body. San Antonio has a large homeless population, and you can drive around the city and see homeless camps in various places from under highways, to behind Walmarts, and people sleeping on the Riverwalk. There is a definite economic disparity in the city, especially among different races; and while San Antonio brings in new companies to build new stores, the jobs stay low wage and low paying. The price of housing keeps going up, while the availability to have a career gets lower. Colloquially, people from the area tend to see San Antonio as a place to get 'call center' or 'McJobs', where as the other big cities such as Austin or Houston provide more room to have a career.


Through all of that, I do not have much more to provide about the scenario. I do look at the situation with an 'occam's razor' point of view. Meaning, 'the simplest explanation is usually the right one'. Personally, I think that Kristina Mock had some type of drug addiction. I think that she knew people in San Antonio, and whether Juan was knowledgable about it  I am not sure. I think that the reason for the 911 call, must have been from a drug deal that she must have organized and it started to go south, or perhaps she purposely tried to get Juan robbed. I believe that Mock knew the real story, and the real location of Juan, and who killed him. She must have had an extreme amount of guilt on her conscience once she saw the family outcry and search for Juan. It is interesting to me that she thought about suicide, and was on suicide watch not long before she died. In some sort of way, I think that she must have killed herself before ending up in the hospital. It possible that she may have ingested something that later would have killed her when she was in the hospital. Unfortunately we may never know the real story, and the truth as to what happened to Juan.

Since this story is so new, there is no find a grave page for either Kristina Mock or Juan Santiago. Seeing that the news was only confirmed on January 2nd, 2021 and at the time of writing, it is the 3rd, Juan's remains are still in the process of going back to his family.

May he rest in peace.


Where is Antonio Vela?

 Where is Antonio Vela?


Antonio Vela Jr, also known as TJ and 'Speshul Ed', went missing on June 15th, 2017 from Victoria, Texas. Vela had been at the bar 'Sports' staying until closing time, 2am. After leaving the bar, he told his friends, "Love y'all", and went to a store to allegedly get some food. He was one of the eight people that were in bar when closed, and knew everyone there. It is unknown what store he was planning to go to. Antonio's house wasn't far from the bar, Sports having been on John Stockbauer street, and his house on Waterford, a road in a suburb with close proximity.

TJ's roommate came to the house at a later unknown time, finding the garage door open, a plastic bag on the floor with the food that TJ had purchased, and his cell phone. Antonio's family had been trying to contact him, and all messages were unanswered. His sister, Sara Lott stated that for him not to respond was out of the ordinary. "He's always calling is dad, he's always calling his sisters. I think we're all in shock trying to find him. We just want him home. I'm numb because he's my brother and I want him home. We love him.".

Later, it was found that TJ's car, a 1999 Pontiac Firebird, was found abandoned with a flat tire, 17 miles away. The car was found on Venglar road, which is in the deep rural parts of Inez, Texas, a town that is part of Victoria county.

It is unknown if there was any sort of evidence found in the car, or any sort of evidence of a fight. Supposedly the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Victoria Police Department did an aerial search of the location on Venglar road, but there hasn't been any public information as to whether they found any sort of evidence.

Reporter Claudia Rivero contacted spokeswoman Lt. Eline Moya, from the VPD. Moya stated in an email, "Unfortunately, due to this case being an open and active investigation, I am unable to go into specific details about this case that may jeopardize the integrity of the investigation. The detectives continue to receive Crime Stoppers tips and continue to follow up on all leads.".

At the time of his disappearance, Antonio was 36 years old, and listed as anywhere between 5'9 - 6'0" tall. He was 175 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. On the day that he disappeared, he was last seen wearing jeans, black shoes with a nike check, and a grey t-shirt. I am unsure of an exact birthdate, but in 2021 he would be approaching his 40th birthday.

A year after his disappearance, Antonio's family held a candlelight vigil in his remembrance at the parking lot of Sports. His older sister, Natalie Vela Thompson said, "We don't care what happened or why. We want to find him. It's heartbreaking, you can't breathe".

In 2019, two years after his disappearance, Antonio's family planned a benefit garage sale, where the proceeds would go towards the purchase of large billboards with his picture and information. Despite his family's hard work, there have not been any leads, or at least any public breakthroughs in the case. It is unknown what became of the VPD investigation and if they ever found anything.

There are rumors that Vela may have snitched on someone or something, but there is no evidence to back this.

In a video with Claudia Rivero, interviews with people that knew Antonio all seem to get at the same sentiment. When Antonio was around, many people were friends with him. But now that he's missing, no-one seems to be saying anything.

Antonio had a love for music, being the owner of Clock Work Records. His music is still available on bandcamp, soundcloud, and clips on youtube.


Searching on namus, there don't appear to be many unidentified male bodies in the area. The only one closest to being a potential match is a body that was found on July 31st, 2019. The body was found by a local rancher around Nursery, Texas between 87 and FM 447. The remains were non recognizable, with virtually any sort of identifiable information non-existent. The age rage is listed as anywhere from 23-45 years old, estimated year of death anywhere from 2015-2018, height ranging from 5'4"-6'0", and race as potentially white or hispanic/latino. Upon further searching, it seems that Vela has already been excluded from this doe.


Monday, December 28, 2020

Susan Atkins' First Husband (Donald Lee Laisure)



 Donald Lee Laisure Sr., was born on April 18th, 1929. He served in the Marine Corps in WWII. While many articles state that he was from Texas, I have been unable to find any census information regarding if he grew up there. Most of his census infomation shows the multiple marriages and divorces that he had over the years. Most of the evidence showing that he lived in Texas is from when he was an adult. I found a census record from 1930, though I am unsure if it is actually him, but if so, he may have been born in Kansas. Despite having been in the Marine Corps he has lied in the past about being a 'retired general officer'. Also interestingly, he must have lied about his age when serving in WWII, because even if he went in in 1945, he would have only been 16 years old (though, I have heard many stories about teens at this time lying about their age to serve in WWII). 

At some point Donald seems to have a daughter in 1964, and a son with his wife Williamae in 1966. He also had a son with wife Wilhelmina in 1958. 

On June 28th,  1968, Donald Laisure pled guilty to a charge of credit card forgery (a felony) in the state of Texas. He was given five years of probation. In 1971, Laisure pawned some of his guns, and then later returned to get them back. When he went to get them back, he falsely stated that he hadn't evern been convicted of a crime punishable for more than one year. This brought more legal trouble, which can be read online, where seemed to argue the verbiage of whether he was really considered convicted or not. 

He is most notably known for having married Susan Atkins. He stated that he met her on the freeway in 1965. Apparently, Laisure had been corresponding with Susan for years (and the power of ESP), but was lying to her the whole time. Laisure would refer to her as 'Honey Bear' in the press.  He told her that he was a millionaire (which he wasn't), and had enough money and power to buy Susan out of jail. Laisure stated the had spent 6.4 million to free her, and would try to get a pardon on the white house level. She found out he was lying three months after being married. 


They got married while she was in prison, on September 2nd, 1981. She became his 35th wife (allegedly), but divorced when he reportedly wanted to marry again. They were legally divorced on October 13th, 1982. They did not have any children together. Despite sources stating that Susan had the marriage annulled, they were legally divorced in the state of Texas. In an interview with the Houston Press, Laisure stated that he got divorced in Cuba, 'signed by Castro himself'.

On an episode of Maury in 1993, Donald appeared and had stated that he had been married 45 times (at that point). Laisure talked big and played up to the stereotype of the rich country Texas man. He also apparently insisted on using a dollar sign to replace the 's' in his last name (Lai$sure). On the Maury episode, he stated that Susan was innocent, but in the 2009 interview with the Houston Press, he said that she was "guilty as hell".

Marriages and Divorces (some of them at least):

Willamae B Laisure: ? Sometime around 1966
Wilhelmina Laisure: ? Sometime around 1958
Veronica M Laisure: October 17th 1959 - ?
Wanda L Laisure: December 20th, 1968 - July 28th, 1969
Muriel A Laisure: June 22nd, 1970 - November 8th, 1971
Lynne H Laisure: December 30th, 1971 - September 26th, 1977
Ester L Laisure: February 16th, 1979 - December 23rd, 1980
Susan D. Laisure (Atkins) - September 2nd 1981 - October 13th, 1982
Janet L Laisure: July 14th 1983 - May 17th 1984
Terrie L Laisure: June 15 1984 - February 10th 1986

On September 25th, 2011, Donald Laisure passed away at the age of 82. He is buried at the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery. 


Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Man Who Died From Eating Roaches


October 6th, 2012, there was a roach eating contest at the Ben Siegel Reptile Store, in Deerfield Beach, Florida. For beating the other contestants in eating more bugs (worms and roaches and other insects) the most, the prize winner would win one of four female Ball pythons, of which was valued at 850 dollars.
The winner of the contest was Edward Archbold, of West Palm Beach. Once Edward won the contest, he started throwing up, and then collapsed. Edward was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. None of the other contestants fell ill though.

According to his autopsy, he was not on any drugs. Edward died of "asphyxia due to choking and aspiration of gastric contents". His airway was blocked by roach body parts, which prevented him from breathing. The medical examiner stated, "There is a flap called the epiglottis that is supposed to stop objects from going into the lungs, Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work. In the video you could see him trying to swallow and breathe at the same time. We can’t do both simultaneously.".
In an article by the miami herald, it was stated that he had eaten 2 ounces of meal worms, 35 horn worms, and a bucketful of discoid roaches. A Floridian entomologist stated that the discoid roaches were a large insect to eat. "When you bite into it, you're going to get a gush of fat bodies, the gut content and the hemolymph-essentially insect blood. As you bite down, that's going to put pressure on the exoskeleton, so when it's ruptured, it's going to squirt.".

The bugs were the same sterile food given to the reptiles. The autopsy also concluded that Edward did not have an allergic reaction to the bugs. This was also the store's first bug eating contest.
Edward worked at Busch Canvas & Interiors for four years prior to his death. He was described as a "Smart good guy who was really good friends to people."

The store owner, Ben Siegel, stated, "We feel terribly awful. He looked like he just wanted to show off and was very nice. [Edward] was the life of the party.". Despite the accidental death, all the contestants signed a waiver accepting responsibility for their participation in the contest.
Edward's funeral was at St. Maurice Catholic Church, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He was later cremated.

As for the reptile store, it appears to have closed sometime in 2015. The last review on yelp was from 2015, and most were not very good overall. The store had an instagram account with pictures dating before the accident, and there are still photos that advertise the event that Archbold died at. Their last post was from August of 2018, where they were selling their reptiles. 

In 2015, Ben Siegel was arrested for abusing a reptile on January 2nd. Apparently, he had put the bearded dragon in his mouth, then tossed it into the air and swung it around several times. He then hit people inside the store with the animal, before squirting them with Gatorade. He was held on bond for 4500 dollars, and faced two charges of, "touch or strike battery and one count of causing death, pain, and suffering to an animal". It is unknown if the reptile died. Siegel had been arrested before, with three other battery charges from 2014, and a possession of coke from Christmas 2014. It is unknown what the ultimate result of these charges were.

But it doesn't stop there. Sometime around 2017 (according to the first Yelp Review), they opened up a new shop in Palmetto Bay, Florida, calling themselves the Miami Reptile Company. They have a facebook page where they post reptiles every day that they are holding for auction. The auctions are held on the website