Friday, January 22, 2021

This blog is now deprecated

 Unfortunately, I won't be posting on this blog anymore. I started out using blogger because I really had no where else to go. I wasn't too fond of tumblr at the time, and had dabbled with blogger in the past. I wasn't too thrilled with the lack of customization options, and rather outdated look, but I made it work. I kind of got used to it, and came to rather like it for its simplicity. One thing I've really enjoyed has been the statistics. I always like knowing how many people were looking at posts when I'd link them to my twitter. But recently, blogger updated to a more modern look, and the interface has been pretty terrible. I've had a horrible time with the site actively (not) updating as I edit posts, and it's been hard to even correct grammar mistakes because blogger won't save the changes I make. I've been pretty annoyed and frustrated, and between Davinci Resolve crashing all the time on me, to not exporting audio like normal, and blogger not really working anymore, I've moved on. Sorry. I know this sounds crazy, but I'm going to post on tumblr now. It's a lot more simple and I do like being able to customize my profile when I feel like I need a new look. 

Catch you later


PS: All you pedophile apologists can go fuck yourselves

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