Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Where Is Milton Ishii?

 Where is Milton Ishii?


A few days ago I was on reddit, browsing through the non murder mystery sub. I came across a picture that was saddening, and honestly frightening. Redditor alc2000 saw a poster for a missing man named Milton Ishii, which they said they saw several times while on vacation. I typed in Milton's name, and he was still listed as missing as of January, 2021. 

On November 26th, 2019, Milton Ishii did not return home from a regular walk around his neighborhood in Makakilo, Hawaii. He was seen leaving around 830 am. 

 Milton had diabetes and dementia, needing his medicine daily. He had a hard time making decisions because of his dementia. When he went missing, he hadn't eaten or taken his medicine.

Milton's son, Shane, stated that his father liked to take walks and often went about the neighborhood on strolls, usually staying nearby. He was strong but moved slowly, and may have potentially went to the Campbell Industrial Park area where he used to a warehouse manager for Panasonic. If Milton didn't return after 15 minutes, his family would go look for him, and bring him back. The day that he went missing, Milton's wife could not find him. Police told Shane Ishii that it was possible a bus may have taken his father to another neighborhood, but, bus drivers were notified when Milton went missing. Interestingly, he wasn't carrying his wallet when he left.

Milton's family searched for him by driving through neighborhoods and walking along pathways.They searched the Barbers Point and Kapolei areas. A missing person bulletin was issued on November 27th, 2019. 

The Ishii family cancelled Thanksgiving that year, with Shane stating that they were starting to get worried, but were trying to remain positive. He stated, ""I think that's the only thing we can do is be hopeful, that he's okay and that will keep us going. It's been exhausting. We're worried 24 hours a day. ". Shane hoped that his father was finding food at least once a day. 

On December 29th, 2019, Shane was joined by 30 other people near the Aloun Farms in Kapolei to search the area.“For us, we commit so many hours a day to go look for him. We just basically cover the same area over and over again just in case we didn’t see one thing one time maybe we see something else another time,” Shane stated.

On March 23rd, 2020, Shane posted in the Milton Ishii facebook group that someone had found Milton's shirt and hat in late December 2019/January 2020 near Makakilo drive, which was less than a mile from the Ishii house. The people that found the items didn't realize that it was Milton's until March 2020. 

Despite the extensive searches, he was not found.

Before going missing, Milton had talked about growing in Waipahu and his childhood for weeks leading up to the disappearance. 

“Just before he went missing he was talking about growing up in Waipahu in the months leading up to it. So maybe it just got that his dementia got that bad that he just reverted back to his childhood days to where he was growing up,” Shane said. “The last known sighting we had was K1 in Barber’s Point. Because he grew up in Waipahu, we wanted to eliminate the area between Kapolei and Waipahu so as we can get access to farmlands and private property. Then we can make searches to see if maybe there was something he left behind here or if he’s still on the property. For us, it’s been hard because this has been the first time that he isn’t here, but we’re keeping our hopes up and we’re hoping for the best. But at the same time, maybe we’re preparing for the worst just in case, but we still have our hopes that we’ll find him alive and well somewhere.".

Three months after Milton went missing, his family stated that a silver alert system could have helped them find him. Shane stated, " Once the word got out on social media, then a couple days after we were having people say, ‘Hey, I saw this guy yesterday…’ If [they] would have been made aware, then the day they would have seen him, it’s like hey, 911 right away.". Despite being in 28 states in the US, there isn't a silver alert in Hawaii. In 9 states, there are alerts similar to the Silver alert, and then in 9 more states (46 total), there is a general missing person alert system. Through all of these alerts, none of the states include Hawaii. 

"We’re keeping an eye out. We’re doing what we can. We go out every night and we look. If it means that other people don’t have to go through this, that’s a big thing, because I know what we went through, and I don’t wish anyone else to go through it." Shane stated. 

Despite Hawaii not having a silver alert at the time, there were people that were actually oppossed to the bill, stating that people may become desensitized to the urgency of the alert system. Even though the bill (SB3123) had a public hearing, had multiple testimony from people for the alert, was recommended with amendments, and adopted, it seems that the silver alert has not been put into practice. 



When I did a search on NamUs, I was surprised to find that there haven't been any rule out comparisons in Milton's case. On his namus profile, he is listed as missing at the age of 76. As of January 2021, he would be 77. His was 5'4" and 145 pounds at the time he was missing, last known wearing a blue t-shirt, blue jeans, black shoes, a black jacket, and a grey baseball hat. Milton had brown eyes, and white hair. 

There five unidentified males in Hawaii that fit the time period of when Milton went missing. The first is a doe who was found very recently, on December 23rd, 2020. I will start off by saying that I do not believe that this male was Milton, but I want to put it out there in case someone reads this and may have an idea who this may have been in life. Case number UP76689, he is estimated to have been younger than 70 years old, and was 5'9" and 216 pounds. His race is listed as having been potentially white, hispanic, American Indian, Alaska Native, Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, in general, uncertain.  They were found in Aiea, Hawaii, in a drainage ditch adjacent to Pearlridge Mall. His remains were described as having been not recognizable, with traumatic injuries. The doe had black thick and wavy hair, with a grey beard and brown eyes. He was wearing khaki shorts, black socks, slippers, and 2 short sleeve shirts.

The second John Doe was found on October 16th, 2020. He is namus case 75927. This doe is listed as Asian, estimated to be anywhere from 60-100 years old, but less than 90 years of age. John Doe was anywhere from 5'4" - 5'7", but the weight is unknown/could not be estimated. He was found in Honolulu, discovered under an overgrowth of brush. The condition of his remains were unrecognizable, detailed as a near complete skeleton. The items found on him were fragments of blue denim with one pocket containing a single key, a wallet containing ID and a bus pass, and a watch collected from the scene. 

The next case is doe 75198. He was found on September 20th, 2020 in Haleiwa. His first name is listed as potentially being Dean. He was white and listed as potentially being 45-55 years old, or less than 40. His weight was unknown but his height was anywhere from 5'8" to 5'11". Dean doe was discovered lying on a bed in tent. The tent was filled with misc personal items including mail with the partial name 'Dean H' and a partial address of 'PO Box 38' in Waialua, Hawaii. The body was a  near complete skeleton upon discovery.

The fourth case is John Doe 75158. He was found on September 1st, 2020. He is listed as having been Asian, Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. He is estimated to have been 61 years old, and was 5'9". For some reason, he is listed as having been 40 pounds, I am unsure if that is a mistake or on purpose. John Doe was found in Honolulu within a residence. He was a near complete skeleton when found, with brown hair. His eyes are listed as missing. 

The fifth and final case is John Doe 60828. He was found on August 3rd, 2019, in Honolulu. He was discovered by fishermen floating supine in ocean waters off of Lagoon Drive in an advanced state of decomposition, having been pronounced dead on scene. His race is listed as other, with no age range listed at all. He was anywhere from 5'5" to 5'10", and measured in as 146 pounds. The only clothing listed on his body were black shorts. 

So far, none of these does have had any exclusions at all. Personally, I think that John Doe 60828, and John Doe 75927 are the closest fits. I have emailed namus to hopefully see if there is anyway to compare these John Does to Milton Ishii. I do hope that his family gets answers soon.


UPDATE EDIT: I emailed Namus about these does and received a quick reply from a representative. They stated that they submitted the profiles to the investigative agencies and of course will determine if they are exclusions or not. We, the public, may not be notified of any results. I hope that maybe this will help Milton's family in some way.


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