Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Mariesa Weber's Unusual Death


Mariesa Jean Weber was born on August 17th, 1968 in Brooklyn, New York. She had one sister named Gina, and a loving mother and father. In 1977 her family moved to Florida. Her mother describes her as having been a blonde bundle of joy, that was an honor student who loved to read. In her youth, Mariesa wanted to become a teacher. She had a love for music, taking pictures with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, and Sebastian Bach from Skid Row. She is seen in pictures with posters covering her room of various band members such as Mick Jagger and Kurt Cobain; one source even states that she had a tattoo on her ankle, "Hutch", in memory of the singer from INXS. 

On October 28th, 2006, Mariesa came home and greeted her mother, to not be seen again. When she first disappeared, her family thought that she had been kidnapped. They searched the house all over, and did not find a trace of her. Through all of their searching for 11 days, they had no idea where she had went, though there was a smell, which the family blamed on rats. 

One night, Mariesa's sister, Gina, went into Mariesa's room and looked behind a bookcase. She saw a foot, and her father used a flashlight to find that Mariesa had been wedged upside down underneath it.
Mariesa's mother, Connie, stated, "I'm Sleeping in the same house as her for 11 days, looking for her, and she's right in the bedroom.". It was stated that both sisters would adjust the TV plug by standing on a bureau next to the shelf leaning over the top. It was believed that Mariesa may have fallen headfirst into the area, where the 6ft bookshelf collapsed on her. Mariesa was 5'2" and 79 pounds at the time of her death. Articles have also listed her as having been 5'3" and 100 pounds.  Every article about the incident quotes the mother, "She's a little thing," her mother reportedly said. "And the bookcase is 6ft tall and solid. And she couldn't get out.". It is interesting to note that either at 5'2 or 5'3 with either weight, Mariesa's BMI would be considered underweight. 

Interestingly, once the autopsy came back, it was revealed that Mariesa had multiple drugs in her system. It was revealed that she had recently taken morphine, codeine, marijuana, an antihistamine, an anti-inflammatory, an antidepressant (Celexa), and Xanax. Overall, her death was ruled an accident, with the drug combo being a potential contributing factor (I have seen people argue online though that some of these drugs may not have actually be from the time she passed away, as of course some drugs stay longer in the body than others). 

After the family found Mariesa, many people questioned how they couldn't have smelled her decomposing body sooner. In an article by the Tampa Bay Times, it was stated that the "conditions were so squalid inside the house when the body was found - trash all around, birds, cats, and dogs in cages". That the sheriff's Deputy had to call the Code Enforcement and Animal Control. Allegedly, Mariesa's room was "chocked with clothing and debris". The deputy stated, "The piles of clothing in some areas of the bedroom were as tall, if not taller than me.".

Mariesa's death was the first in her immediate family. In 2009 her father passed away, and in 2015 her sister Gina passed away.

Mariesa was buried in Meadowlawn Memorial Gardens, in New Port Richey, Florida. 


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