Monday, October 5, 2020

Jimmy Page's Underage Girlfriend


Jimmy Page, born on January 9th, 1944, is undeniably one of the most famous guitarists of all time, from the household name band, Led Zeppelin. In 1972, when Zeppelin was really gaining traction, Page entered into a relationship with “baby” groupie Lori Mattix (or sometimes known as Maddox), who was 13 at the time. There does not seem to be any information from any of the band members on what went down, how it went down, or even how they felt about the situation, but it seems that at least the manager of the band knew that what Jimmy was doing was wrong.

The only information we can really go with is from what Lori herself has said over the years, of which the story changes nearly every time, to whatever version that she feels alright with telling. Not to be harsh, but it is hard trying to find the truth when the only person willing to talk tends to change the situation.

I want to start with the facts and some background first, that are for the most part (unless proven otherwise) are undeniable. Lori Mattix was born in November of 1958, and one of an unknown amount of children, but interviews have implied that she had a sister. In one interview, Lori stated that her father was dead (while other articles simply put that her father was not in the picture), at least by the time she was 13. In a video interview, Mattix states that she started out as a model in ‘Star Magazine’ which was an early 70’s pre-groupie publication. She stated that the magazine highlighted the young girls as being groupies, when in reality they were just models.

Lori states that the first person she had ever had sex with, and lost her virginity to, was David Bowie. To save pages of story from different times that she’s said different things, I will condense it to: there is no proof that Lori had ever even met David Bowie. There are pictures of her with Jimmy Page for sure, and pictures of her with Iggy Pop, but this instance with Bowie is essentially all text. Further, before delving too deep, many people have pointed out continuity errors of her having been ‘deflowered’ (her words) by Bowie before having met Page, yet stories that she’s told of how and when she met Jimmy do not add up to what would have been after the Bowie incident.

Even more confusing, despite there being proof of the relationship between her and Jimmy Page, the story differs between on how they met. On one account, Lori states that he essentially kidnapped her, another, she is alluded to having been at the Whiskey-a-go-go from another groupie, to having met him at his place in the hyatt with another groupie, and even further, that Jimmy contacted Lee Childers to set up a date for him to meet her.

Most sources seem to agree that Lori and Jimmy were together from the time she was either 13 or 14 up until she was 16.

Whenever she talks about the situation, Lori looks back on her time with Jimmy (if it even ever happened at all) fondly. Never having felt like the relationship was unusual, she believes that he was in love with her. According to Lori, Jimmy asked her mother for permission to date her, to which she agreed. Allegedly, Lori’s mother used to be an agent, and stated that her daughter was like Priscilla Presley.

Somehow, Mattix was able to insert herself into the situation of the Drake Incident, when Zeppelin were robbed of 200,000 dollars. She stated that the FBI were “all over them” and Peter Grant told her to get out of the hotel or else Jimmy would get in trouble.

When asked if she felt like Page exploited her, she stated that she “felt blessed”. Mattix would receive letters telling her that he was a pedophile, but she stated that she never thought of him like that.

Eventually the relationship ended when Jimmy was found in bed with another groupie, Bebe Buell.

Allegedly, the last time Mattix saw Jimmy in person, as adults, he said to her, “Lori, we were both children back then.” Lori stated that she thought to herself, “At least one of us were.”.


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