Sunday, May 3, 2020

Photos of Roy Estrada With Frank Zappa

I went on getty images the other day looking at pictures of Frank Zappa, and came across some that had Roy Estrada in them. If you recall, Roy Estrada was a bassist that worked with Frank Zappa (primarily during the 'The Mothers of Invention' years) and was convicted multiple times of sex crimes. He is currently serving out his sentence in, TX's Pack Unit (in Navasota). He is not due for release until 2036.  He is currently 77 years old.

Before now, I hadn't ever seen any images of Roy and Frank so close together. I honestly had no idea whether Estrada really interacted with Zappa at all before this point. It's weird to see photos of someone that committed such heinous crimes around normal people. Maybe it's a 'hindsight 20/20' thing, but even in the pictures there just seems to be something weird about him.

Roy, next to Frank on the left.

In the back with the creepy smile.

Behind Frank, smiling.

Going over what looks like sheet music.

Far left

In the yellow and white dress, next to Bunk Gardener.

[All images hold the respected rights of their owner(s).]

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