Thursday, January 2, 2020

Discrepancies in prior posts

I just wanted to acknowledge that as I have moved forward in making more posts, I realize that there have been some discrepancies in things that I have talked about in the past. One of the big things being stuff about the Manson family and associates. I apologize to anyone that may have seen these, my intent was not to confuse or sway anyone the wrong way, I have only been jotting down what I know, from the places that I've read it all from.

One thing in particular that bothers myself, is honestly the pronunciation of Beausoleil. I have never heard anyone say the last name, and so I took a guess and used a very French version of the pronunciation. After some more reading about The Family, it seems that the localization is more like 'Bow-so-lay'. From here on out, I will pronounce his last name that way.

The more I read about the Family, I see that there are too many articles online that talk about members but certain details wrong here and there. For example, I was reading about Susan Atkins the other night, and an article I read stated that her son's father was one of the men from the Family, while the book by Jeff Guinn stated that Susan believed the father was a man that she had met in Arizona while Manson and the first members were driving around in their first bus.

Of course, there is the height discrepancy with Manson himself. In Helter Skelter, Bugliosi stated that Manson was 5'2", though sometimes in different google searches, you'll find articles stating he was 5'4 to even 5'6".There is a post-family group that sometimes pops up on the internet stating that he wasn't. I haven't ever been able to find any pictures of Manson standing next to some of the infamous girls, who are/would have been generally around the same height. Granted, in pictures of him being taken to and from court, he is noticeably shorter than the officers, so perhaps the original height of 5'2" was correct after all. I am more apt to believe Bugliosi's statement, especially considering how 13 pages past 150 in Helter Skelter (the picture pages, of which are not numbered), there is a full-body shot of Manson in his leather attire, measuring at ~5'2" in the black and white photo. Later in the book, 2 pages past 300, there is another photo of Manson, arrested and standing next to him is Danny DeCarlo. DeCarlo has been stated at being about 5'4", and Manson looks shorter than him. This is more reason for me to believe that Manson was 5'2".

Another discrepancy I wanted to talk about was Beausoleil's reason for going to Hinman's. Initially when I read about the occurrence online, articles stated that there was no drug motive at all, and the Family had nothing to do with the Straight Satans. In a web archived parole hearing with Susan Atkins, she was asked if the occurrence had anything to do with drugs and she had said no. Initially I thought that there wasn't anything the Manson family had anything to do with the Straight Satans, but once I read Guinn's book and started going through Helter Skelter, I realize that I was wrong. I do apologize for this mess up. It sucks that the free material out there definitely doesn't get the right story.

Overall, the purpose of this blog is to get the facts. I don't actually want this to be a call out blog.  I am not into that type of thing. I like reading about True Crime, and for me, this is an exercise in the subject, and a 'I didn't know this' type of thing. To the people out here that read this blog, I thank you. I'm sorry for not getting my facts straight.

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