Saturday, July 27, 2019

Philip Taylor Kramer's Mysterious Death

Philip Taylor Kramer, or Taylor as he later went on to be known as in life, was born July 12, 1952. He was 6'5", 200 pounds, with sandy blond hair and blue eyes.  He is most notoriously known for having played bass in the band Iron Butterfly, convincing the band to get back together after initially breaking up in 1972. The band members credit him with motivating them to record again. After the band dissolved for the final time, he later on moved to computer engineering.

Having had an interest in science, which he got from his father, a physics professor, Taylor Kramer eventually gained an electrical engineer degree, and worked as a contractor for the Department of Defense. Taylor's sister, Kathy, noted that he obtained his degree at a time where aerospace was booming. Taylor later went on to work on the MX Missile.

 In 1990, Kramer co-founded the company 'Total Multimedia Inc.' with Randy Jackson (Michael Jackson's brother), and founded SoftVideo Inc. In 1994, Kramer's companies went bankrupt and were re-organzised, causing emotional distress.

Before going missing, Kramer told his wife that he was working on a project that would take a missing child's picture and find them in groups of thousands of people. He had also been working on project where messages could be sent through space.
On Feb. 11, 1995, Kramer and his wife went on a hike where she noted that he had great amounts of energy. He pointed out a cross on a hill, telling her their house was on its path, with other bizarre behaviour she attributed to sleep deprivation. In an interview with Taylor's sister, she stated that Kramer hadn't sleep in about 10 days to 2 weeks before his appearance.

On Feb. 12, Kramer left his home around 9am to visit his father in law. After that, he went to LAX to pick up a business associate. Once he arrived at the airport, he waited for 25 minutes and then left for no known reason. While no-one had seen Kramer at LAX, a parking record proved that he was there. Taylor signed an IOU to pay the 3 dollar fee, which he didn't have with him, then drove away. He drove north, towards his home. 


During this time, over the course of about 45 minutes, he made several phone calls. Kramer called his wife, father, friends, and best friend 'Bushy' Ron Bush. Bush stated that Kramer told him, "Bush, it's Taylor. I love you more than life itself Bush. Then he hung up."
At 11:59 am, Kramer called 911. He proceeded to tell 911 his name, and that he was going to kill himself.

Taylor's father, Ray, stated that people had been giving Taylor problems before, and wanted what he was doing. Taylor told his father, "If I ever say that I am going to kill myself, don't believe it. I am going to be needing help."

Taylor did not leave a suicide note, and he went missing for 4 years until his body was found in 1999. The FBI believed that Kramer committed suicide, while his family believed otherwise. Taylor's father stated, "He did 1000 sit ups a day. No one commits suicide but does 1000 sit ups first."

When Kramer disappeared, there were multiple eyewitnesses that stated they had seen him in various areas such as at parks and garage sales. Allegedly two weeks after his disappearance, on Feb. 28th, Kramer made one last call to his family, where all he said was "Hello, hello."

On May 29th, 1999, 2 photographers/hikers found the remains of Philip Taylor Kramer in a canyon not far off from the airport. His remains were inside his van. Dental records proved beyond doubt that the body was Kramer's.

Taylor's sister listed her doubts that he killed himself, stating that the cliff was not a "sucide cliff", as other people such as teens that stole a car, drove off the cliff and survived with a few scratches. 

Philip Taylor Kramer is survived by his wife and two children.

The link to my video about this can be found here:


vh1 confidential

In my personal opinion, I really do think that Kramer committed suicide. While his family may have felt that other businessmen wanted his projects, it is not uncommon for people with financial problems to see this as a way out. As an anecdotal example, my parents worked with a man who was in financial trouble and on the verge of losing his house. In order for his family to be 'set', he committed suicide in the hopes that his life insurance would pay for everything that his family would need. In a sad turn of events, the life insurance was null and void because of this action.

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